❛       The beauty of difference, and unity with the future...

Within the world of #AHJIN, there exists a land known as the Minoan Kingdom. A vast country the size of 4.8 million kilometers, occupying a massive landmass of what once was known as Europe. Due to such size of the Kingdom, the Minoan Kingdom is a country full of many differences in architecture.

Ⅰ.      Majority of the time, a person may find themselves in a colossal city, beaming with lights and skyscrapers, filled with various businesses from foreign countries and within. Such palaces are utopian, providing shelter to everyone in need. Many may bare witness to slow flying aircrafts drifting in-between the buildings, used as many means of the public transportation within the kingdom.

Ⅱ.      However, a simple life is more than abundant in the Kingdom. Outside of the cities, many people may find buildings made of reinforced stone and infused wood, giving structures nigh-unbreakable status, all the while providing a far more aesthetically pleasing sight to those that prefer the quiet of nature and the simple life.

.      Throughout the structures, many may find crystal blue waters streaming through the city blocks or lands. These are purified waters providing sustenance to those that may desire a drink, or even a swim. Filtration is done through nanomachines swimming through the waters, a single one being able to purify a 20 square liters of said water. The waters are used for transportation as well, as their stream provides swimmers, canoe's, boats and so on the locomotion to their next destination.

.      Another abundant sight one may come across is the clear abundance of vegetation alongside sprawling buildings. The amount of greenery that one may find in the kingdom is comparable that of massive jungles, providing large amounts of oxygen. Such an amount of greenery keeps the Minoan Kingdom a massive carbon negative nation.


One will find out that there's a complete lack of private forms of transportation within the kingdom, even to important government officials be it within the country, or outside. The lack of which provides enough space being used for more important projects to be built. There are two types of transportation within the Minoan Kingdom and some locations of the WORLD GOVERNMENT, such being public transportation, and teleportation devices.

.      Throughout the Kingdom, one may find the most frequent form of public transportation to be via hanging maglev trains. These trains use two sets of magnets, one which repels and one that attracts, which allows the train to reach high speeds with relative ease. The frequency of the trains allows for its mass-use, and is often the times used to transport people to public locations, work, and so on.

.      Colossal floating aircrafts are most frequent outside of the cities, where they carry people off to major locations hundreds of kilometers away to those that wish to take it slow. However, these aircrafts come in many sizes. Some being larger than football fields, and some being designed for only a few dozen people inside, which are mostly found in cities, floating through buildings.


.      The second most frequent use of transportation is through teleportation devices, that allow people to transport themselves from point A to point B, often the times specifically created locations that are locked onto devices. These locations use fractal technology to create infinite superpositions within one place, allowing people to occupy the same space at the same time, which allows their mass use. Teleportation technology is wide-spread within the kingdom, using Quantum Technology to transmit data and matter in an instant without any time-lag.


Minos's palace, known as the GREAT AZURE,  is located within the center of the kingdom. A gigantic, tri-tower complex. The front towers being used for various purposes, containing Minos's indoor gardens, fractal ecosystems, scientific and biological experemintation rooms and so on. The middle tower, being the shortest of all, is Minos's main palace, containing his throne, his room, and majority of the locations where private businesses are taken care of.

The society within the Minoan Kingdom is vast, filled with culture from all around the world, but one with a keen eye will notice that the Minoan Kingdom by a majority consists of two different beings, those being HUMANS, and MACHINES. In the past, Humanity and Machines were divided. Within Minos's universe, Machines brought the very downfall of humanity. A complete, utter extinction. But wishing to make things better and lead Humanity down a better path, Minos with his goal of UNITY brought humanity and machines together to coexist. Result of which, is a bustling society. Machine and Man connecting with one another as if they were of the same origin, many will find the two as pairs, partners and so on. Both filling in the various roles that a country may desire.